This is a page that is in many ways different to the other pages in the website, but since I have nowhere else to put it, I'll leave it here for now.

This is intended to be a space for writing my personal milestones in surprise. The world around me seems to be spinning faster than usual and I would like to keep a record of it, like a war reporter would do. In a way, I can consider myself a war correspondent. I am in a territory that regards itself as the target for world terrorism and apparently as the object of hatred by the rest of the world. A country used to always win doesn't take blows very well.

Here I would like to write my impressions of the country called U.S.A., home of the brave, land of the free, and brought to you by Democracy® and Freedom®. Regular updates will be performed. Be aware that the musings that follow might be written in English or Spanish, according to my mood or depending on which direction the wind blows.

Disclaimer: No American values were hurt during the writing of this journal.

Or maybe they were.

14-FEBRERO-2003, 0:44

Here's an appetizer:

"Este es el fondo de lo que son los americanos. Son pensadores. No, no en el sentido positivo, trágico, tradicional y grandioso de la palabra. No son la gran escultura. Sólo en el sentido psicológico. Desde el punto de vista mecánico. Mainstream thought es un de los conceptos más importantes para comprender la cultura americana. El modo de vida americano, en realidad, pues no se trata en realidad de una cultura y precisamente no lo es por esta razón. Ya que los americanos son pensadores y no seres que sientan, el arte les resulta difícil. La creación no es un valor en este país. Y eso es díficil de entender para un europeo. Nosotros somos los hijos de Atenas, nuestro antepasados fueron filósofos, creyeron en grandes ideas. América es ingeniería. Europa es orgánica. Está viva. En Estados Unidos todo está tintado con el sentido de la práctico. El bien común del utilitarismo. Y de ahí al protestantismo. Y de ahí al capitalismo. Y de ahí a la inmovilidad política. Falta de conciencia social. Mecanicismo..........Un gran peligro para el mundo, considerando su poder y su influencia.

La gran equivocación (HEREJÍA) del estadounidense es creerse inventor de la democracia. Es creerse único artícife de la modernidad, como si jamás hubiesen sido colonia. Estados Unidos es como el Caín de Europa. Un hijo menor malcriado."


Cut and paste process has just begun. Here's an online ad that just popped up in front of my eyes:

Survey Question Number 28

Would you rather have unlimited...

a) Wealth

b) Security

c) Happiness


The question is: would I want anything unlimited? Probably not.

Another question is: How did happiness become an object? How did it get a c) right in front of it?

I guess we should ask the people in this picture...


Well, I'll be honest. This is not the original picture that I got in the mail this morning. I applied a Photoshop filter to it. The name of the filter is Plastic Surface. I only wrapped up the package.

While I'm writing this, some weirdo from Spain is singing in the background "Me voy a inyectar tus lágrimas, me voy a inyectar tus lágrimas...". I´m going to inject your tears. These lyrics would give heart attacks to every American Dream pursuer.

I look down from the Empire State and think about all these things in my dreams.


I feel very scattered today.


22-FEBRERO-2003, 13:58

Back to our irregularly programmed schedule.

Let's start today with some fun statistics. Listen carefully:

58% of Americans believe in Armageddon as foretold in the Bible

Well, quite obviously the Middle East has proved to be a very significant source of Evil in the last years. We have given them many chances to repent their crimes against God-Jesus and they have consistently rejected them. The day when the Antichrist will reign over this sin-ridden Earth seems to be looming, and he is ready to take over, in a not too distant future. We must be vigilant, for the Beast is bound to take on many different forms. Open your eyes. Repeat prayer every night:


I believe in the power of Almighty God, my one and only saviour, who will defend me against the enemies of the Faith, the Middle East and the bearers of weapons of mass destruction. Amen.


It is no wonder then that the true defenders of Freedom and Democacry Inc. are firm about their objective to cleanse the world. Bush declared today that he will not wait two months (an obviously obscene amount of time) to unleash havoc on Iraq and basically that he doesn´t care what the UN, Old Europe or the whole world thinks. And quite understandably.

When you live in a country as free, as wonderful, as ripe with opportunity as the USA, it is no wonder that you will want to protect the Empire at all costs. It is no wonder to be proud. I met a woman yesterday, for "business purposes" (I've always wanted to say that, ha!). She asked how long I had lived here. I said three years. And she smiled, pride filling her face, her mouth, her teeth shining and said: "And ya love it, dontcha? I've heard it before. When you leave, I bet yer heart will stay in Arizona...". Well, no doubt about it. Because why would I want to go back to my shitty little country when I have experienced first hand the excitement of the American Way of Living? I would have loved to hold her chin in my hand, slowly pull her face towards mine and then start twisting until her stupid little smile was contorted and reduced to a puddle of drivel. I would have, if only I didn't have ethical principles to attend to.


23-FEBRERO-2003, 18:05


People look for things...

Looking For Friends
I'm The girl that all the guys like to be around becuase I'm fun and not shy. I'm corky and perky and sweet. 5'2 aburn hair, blue eyes and happy with my body.. I love singing and dancing and playing around.
What I'm In Search Of...
I'm looking for some one to hang out with, to talk to and to flirt with. I love my boy friend and I would never cheat on him but part of me really misses beeing with a girl. If you like to play pool.. Go to movies and stuff msg me if love to hang out and just be really close with someone.


... and look in the wrong directions (sigh).

Taken from disinfo:

The nearest analogy to the addictive power of television and the transformation of values that is wrought in the life of the heavy user is probably heroin.
Terence McKenna, Food of the Gods

There's a tumor in the TV mouth
Burn it out before it grows.
Marilyn Manson, Little Horn

Also check Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy.


28-FEBRERO-2003, 0:42


Here comes some gross, disgusting, mind-masturbatory obscenity:

Today on Oprah

The Wedding of your Dreams! Come join us in the celebration of nouveau rich absurdity. We will take a typical, middle-class, well-adjusted, African-American couple and we'll bind them with the lock of holy Matrimony *sponsored by Reem Acra, bridal designer* in front of your very eyes. We will call it FANTASY WEDDING. For one day, the lucky couple will enjoy the following mind-numbing luxuries: a $80,000 gown; 40,000 roses; 350 wedding cakes; 500,000 worth of diamonds; and a "reception fit for royalty". Then, they'll be thrown in limousines and privates jets until they reach the final destination of their fantasy honeymoon, Fiji.

Read about it! This is NOT a joke!

Special Thanks


Preston Bailey, floral and event designer
Reem Acra, bridal designer
Visit them online at
Harry Winston, jewelry designers
Visit him online at
South Pacific Holidays for providing our happy couple with their fantasy honeymoon to Turtle Island Resort in Fiji
AJ Johnson, hair stylist (Letitia)
AJES's The Salon, Inc.
Toni Braxton's new album is entitled More than a Woman.
Cake designer Sam Godfrey, Perfect Endings
Wedding photographer Rosalind Van Tuyl for Quintessence Imaging
Visit them online at
Jennie Garth
Jennie's show, What I Like About You, airs Friday 8/7c on the WB.

Well, how can you not love America? Let us all watch and thank our Lord for television.

For some reason, I think this next image gives appropriate closure to the topic.

Japanese restroom dixit.


Also on the news today:

Abren expediente a un profesor que obligaba a analizar frases sobre Bush y Aznar en sus clases

A high school teacher is being investigated in Spain because he was forcing his students to gramatically analize sentences like this, and thus politically manipulating them:

"El presidente Bush hijo ha decidido ya orgulloso de su crueldad el exterminio de miles de iraquíes inocentes en los próximos días"

 "Very proud of his own cruelty, President Bush Jr. has already resolved to exterminate thousands of innocent Iraqis in days to come"

"El presidente del Gobierno español sueña con aplastar a los niños iraquíes conjuntamente con su amigo George"

"The Spanish President dreams about crushing Iraqi children with the help of his friend George"


I should start doing the same thing.


6-MARZO-2003, 18:05

Something too good to pass: DIFFERENCE

In 1964, Murray Schumach wrote a book titled The Face on the Cutting Room Floor, in which he describes and discusses (showing considerable naivety, but good intention) the history of censorship in Hollywood movies, a practice that was adopted by the industry in 1930 and was still in effect at the writing of his book. As an appendix, he includes The Motion Picture Production Code, the so-called Constitution of movie-makers, by whose laws directors had no choice but to abide. The 13-page document is astonishing from beginning to end, but it becomes especially picturesque when it deals with concepts like "good and evil", "law", "crime", or "art". The unfortunate thing is that many of the leaders and followers of the American religious right still preach these medieval ideas. Here are a few excerpts of the Code:

"Everything possible in a play is not possible in a film, because of the larger audience of the film, and its consequential mixed character. Psychologically, the larger the audience, the lower the moral mass resistance to suggestion."

"Small communities are easily and readily reached by any sort of film."

"By natural law is understood the law which is written in the hearts of all mankind, the great underlying principles of right and justice dictated by conscience."

"The presentation of evil is often essential for art or fiction or drama. This in itself is not wrong, provided that throughout, the audience feels sure that evil is wrong and good is right."

"Dances with movements of the breasts, excessive body movements while the feet are stationary, violate decency and are wrong."


I would like to know of a dance where the breasts remain stationary... Due to the gravity laws that generally apply to these body parts, I have never been able to witness such a dance.

Anyway, evil is wrong.



I really don't know what to do about the whole "freedom fries" issue. I don't whether I should laugh or cry about it. At this point all I can do is feel flabbergasted. And disgusted. How can anyone have respect for a government that behaves so childishly, threatening, pouting, making scenes like this inside the very Congress?

The following article describes the absurd situation in these words:

"Reps. Walter Jones, left, and Bob Ney announce the name changes on House menus at a Tuesday news conference. "

"I represent a district with multiple military bases that have deployed thousands of troops," Jones said in a statement. "As I've watched these men and women wave good-bye to their loved ones, I am reminded of the deep love they have for the freedom of this nation and their desire to fight for the freedom of those who are oppressed overseas. Watching France's self -serving politics of passive aggression in this effort has discouraged me more than I can say."

The name change was criticized by one young man in a House cafeteria.

"That's completely ludicrous to me," he said.

23-MARZO-2003, 13:58

Insert coin to start game.

Press button 1 for one player (US).

Press button 2 to ignore UN.

Objective of the game: Destroy Baghdad and ignore rest of the world, especially France.

Safety information: press here.

Here ends page 1. For page 2 press here.